Monday, November 15, 2010

March for Life!

The annual March for Life is coming sooner than you think!  This year it will be on Monday, January 24, 2011.  We are continuing the tradition and once again SCL and St. Martin of Tours in Gaithersburg will be hosting Vigil events on the Sunday evening before- January 23, 2011.  The evening will include youth Mass, dinner, a concert, and Adoration.  SCL is excited to host Josh Blakesley, and St. Martin's will be hosting Tony Melendez.

We are accepting registration forms, so if you or anyone you know is interested, please don't hesitate to contact us!  The registration form for out of town groups (we will provide housing at a local parish for Sunday night and a light breakfast and bag lunch for Monday) is under the "March for Life" links on the side.  The local form will be coming soon.

If you are interested in helping coordinate the events at SCL, please let Kelsey know!  Email or call 301-946-3636 ext. 24.  There will be a meeting in the Rectory Meeting Room on Wednesday, December 1 for more information and materials for planning.  There is something for everyone, from dinner to tickets to helping set up for the band!

Please help spread the word about this awesome event to support the pro-life movement!

Friday, August 27, 2010

FALL 2010

Summer break may be over, but SCL Youth Group is just getting started with a full schedule of great events!

September 10 is our annual FALL WELCOME BBQ!
      All high schoolers are invited for games, prizes, and FREE FOOD! 7-9 pm in the Russell Room

FALL RETREAT 2010 is October 29-31 at Bellarmine Retreat Center.  Forms and money are due by Oct. 1, so turn them in asap!  More information is available in the flier and you can download the permission slip too.  (Both are also available in Spanish!) Just click on the link to the right.

A full calendar of events is coming soon :-)

Thursday, May 13, 2010


SCL Youth Group is heading to.... STEUBENVILLE for the Franciscan University Youth Conference! 

When?  JUNE 25- JUNE 27
Who? All youth going into 9th grade - freshman year of college

Don't miss out on this awesome opportunity! Come together with thousands of youth from around the country for an amazing experience you won't forget! Great music, inspiring speakers, Adoration, Mass, Reconciliation, and more... all while spending time having fun and sharing your faith with friends! 

This year's theme is "The Word Became Flesh." 

All of the necessary forms can be found under the "Fliers and Permission Slips" section.  To register you must turn in the Permission slip (double-sided), and Youth Registration form, and the Youth Expectation Agreement, in addition to $125/ student. 

DEADLINE is JUNE 4.  Space is limited and spots will be filled on a first come, first serve basis, so sign up ASAP! 

Any questions? Contact Kelsey today!

See the website for more information. 

Saturday, April 3, 2010

Spring Retreat 2010

Mount 2010 may have been snowed out, but that doesn't mean you have to wait until June to go on an awesome retreat with SCL Youth Group!  Introducing the 2010 SPRING RETREAT!

What:  "The Road to Emmaus:  Meeting Christ After the Resurrection"
A wonderful weekend of prayerful reflection, fun activities, spending time with friends and meeting new people as you grow closer to the Risen Lord and celebrate His Resurrection!

When: April 30- May 2

Where: Bellarmine Retreat Center...  in the beautiful Blue Ridge Mountains, just over the border to PA

How much:  $65 includes lodging and meals... if you already registered for Mount 2010 it is FREE

Permission slips are due to Kelsey by April 16.  The first 3 people to return permission slips and money will win a FREE Mount 2010 sweatshirt!!

Questions?? Call or e-mail!

We hope to see you there!!

Hi, I'm Kelsey...

... and I am the new Youth Minister for SCL!  I am really excited to be here and get to know all of the great teens in this parish.  I am already impressed with the vibrant community here and the desire to not only get involved in activities, but grow deeper in relationship with Christ. I am blessed to become a part of the SCL family.

We have a lot of events coming up... the school year may be close to ending but it is just the beginning of more fun times with the SCL Youth Group!

The PURE FASHION lunch and fashion show is coming up on April 18th, and SPRING RETREAT 2010 will be April 30- May 2.  Stay tuned for more details about SENIOR NIGHT and the 8TH GRADE WELCOME PARTY in May, and STEUBENVILLE June 25-27!  And don't forget Youth Group every Friday night 7-9pm... we have some great activities planned!

I would love to meet you and hear from you, so please feel free to contact me or stop by to say hi!
(Office phone is 301-946-1161 and email is

Happy Easter!!!

In Christ,
Kelsey McGrew